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Tribute to Solar volunteers


Solar Meninos de Luz has around 140 active volunteers. They are friends who bring love, solidarity, knowledge, culture, health, among many other gifts that radiate light. They help us daily to change the life and reality of children and families of Pavão-Pavãozinho and Cantagalo communities.

In gratitude to all these light friends, we will honor each of them. We will start with our dear Bia, who agreed to answer some questions:

Full name?
Bianca Paschoal.

How did you get to know Solar?
Through the institutional website.

How long have you volunteered at Solar?
4 years.

In what areas do you work?
From Nursery I to the Maternal II.

How do you feel about working at Solar?
I feel gratified and even more in love with the children I work with.

What do you think about Solar’s work?
For me, Solar Meninos de Luz was a rediscovery of love and mutual donation. I confess that I no longer know what it is not to have Solar Meninos de Luz in my weekly routine. It is an institution that is worth working. Not only for the professionals who always receive me with a lot of affection, but mainly for what Solar does for the communities around it.

Do you think Solar influences people’s lives? In what way?
Without any doubt! Be assured that it has influenced my life in a super rewarding way. But surely for the children who study and attend the Solar on other days, the institution is a gift. Because, in addition to school education and various extracurricular activities that are offered for all ages, Solar has a wonderful work of socialization and evangelization.

What is Solar characteristic that you most appreciate?
There are several, but I would highlight the way they care about EVERYONE who goes there. And its motto says it all: “EDUCATE TO SET FREE”.

Is there a nice story between you and the children?
The reception I get when I walk into the rooms where I work is priceless! I am received by the children with loud screams of Bia! Bia! Bia! And then, I get a collective hug! They are all adorable, super-caring and very smart! It is gratifying to see those little eyes attentive to the stories I tell! And when they are very agitated, they have even learned what Aunt Bia asks to reassure them, even if only for a little while! And all together, they say:

“Little finger together… little finger together… close your little eyes… breathe deeply and… hummmmmm!!!!!!”

Bia, Solar Meninos de Luz thank you immensely for all the love you give each year to our children!

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