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Families Assistance

Families Assistance


Introductory summary to Solar three Programs

Since 24 of December, 1983, a group of employees of what is now Solar Meninos de Luz exercises uninterrupted assistance actions to Pavão-Pavãozinho and Cantagalo families.

(See History)

These actions, over the years, made us meet Community needs and demands.

They gave rise later, since 08/18/1991, for Integral Education Program, which consequently created parallel actions of assistance to families of students, aiming better relationships between parents, children and school: the Family / School Program. These two programs completed 26 years of existence on 18 of August, 2017.

Assistance to families in the initial mold has never been stopped, has been expanded and improved. With time and the Community’s approval, also allowed joint actions with other residents and their institutions: Family / Community Program. Therefore, completed 34 years of performances on 24 of December, 2017.

We note that nomenclature has changed a lot over time due to major changes to increase the quality of provided services.

Meet the three programs that make up Solar Meninos de Luz structure.

  1. Integral Education Program
  2. Family / School Program
  3. Family / Community Program
