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High School

High School

Solar Integral School High School has a strong preparation characteristic for adult life, particularly with regard to vestibular for Universities and ENEM, and information about labor market, such as help to their choice of higher education.

Students of the 3rd year of High School will be ending a long cycle, since nursery I, mostly.

Their educational experiences had full cohesion with interdisciplinary practices in order to prevent fragmentation of content. Always been related to “Solar Meninos de Luz Education Philosophical Principles”, the LDB – Guidelines Law and Bases of National Education and UNESCO report, by International Education Commission for the Twenty-first Century:  the four education pillars: “learning to know, learning to be, learning to live together, learning to do”.

In all years of High School, students will have permanent monitoring evaluation; use of Moodle platform for the student to take questions with the teacher; vestibular simulated and special attention to the writing practices.

Their curriculum will have information about professions, carried out through cross-content, with all teachers and also by invited professionals,

according to students’ interest. Also monitor information about the courses they wish to follow in universities, with the possibility to schedule visits to these institutions.





Formation of a good citizen, critical, active / agentive in their society, aware of its obligations to the public and their rights, solidarity, tolerance, which seeks to work for  community’s social and intellectual progress in which it is inserted, equality and justice, aware of the problems that afflict our country and other nations and seek also work for development and harmony of community in its largest sense – the planetary community.


Pedagogical Practices


Gratitude to those who promote High School education

 “Beloved educators! Most of our students arrived Solar as little ones and, during their existence, until High School formation, lived at Solar. Prepared by Elementary School II, come to you in challenging age, the passage from childhood to adulthood, reached formal operations stage (11, 12 years and older) that will analyze, establish relationships, theories, solutions on each content, experience, problem, whether political, philosophical, ethical, linguistic, logical-mathematical, scientific, religious. If it were not you, with your affection for them, your professional competence, your love for education in general and for Solar holistic education – as you always say – this rich phase of human development on them would be lost or would not be as enriching. They need at this time, that you boost them to the very high flight: Universities and good jobs! Responsible life in order to own Well, his family, the community, the world…”

Solar Meninos de Luz
President and Directors


High School professionals

Pedagogical Director: Ivonete da Silva Mendes
Coordination Assistant: Cíntia Santana da Silva
Portuguese and Literature Teacher: Helena Faria
Writing Teacher: Cybelle Borges de Abreu
Algebra Teacher: Thaís Cerqueira da Silva
Geometry Teacher: Fabrício Cardoso Ferreira
History Teacher: Marcella Albaine Farias da Costa
Geography Teacher: Paula Coelho Araújo
Biology I Teacher: Rodrigo Abreu de Oliveira Santos
Biology II Teacher: Débora Rocha Afonso Silva
Chemistry Teacher: Caroline Peçanha de Almeida
Physics Teacher: Marcelo Fabiano Silveira
Spanish Teacher: Rosa Sardinha do Nascimento
English Teacher: Lourival Coelho Costa Adão
Art Teacher: Schaiane Alves
Philosophy and Sociology Teacher: Maria Priscila Chagas
Computer Teacher: Aline Almeida Santos
Physical Education Teacher: Paula Crespo Cerri
Inspectors: Manoel Francisco Gomes and Severino Francisco Gomes
