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Moodle Platform Access

Moodle Platform Access

Moodle Platform is a virtual learning environment that presents a different look to the school environment and acts as an additional learning space, going beyond classroom walls. It enables a faster knowledge construction with broader objectives.

It is used by Elementary School II  and High School students, through tablets, to enrich school curriculum. The goal is not to replace didatic books, but act as a support to transcend the traditional education model (teacher to student), using other forms of teaching and learning, with the appreciation of interaction and autonomous research in Internet possibilities.

After logging on the platform, students have access to learning materials of all subjects of the current school year, as well as support material, activities and forums organized with a teaching plan.

The new learning method was implemented in 2016 for 6º, 7º 8º e 9º grades of Elementary School II and 1st year of High School and will be extended to other classes in the coming years.

Click here to access Moodle Platform.