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The Solar Meninos de Luz´s Garden


The Solar Meninos de Luz´s Garden project held a Earthworm Workshop for the treatment of organic waste on this Wednesday morning.

The purpose is to pass concepts of sustainability in a more didactic way for ours students. Some remains of organic food were used to feed the cultivated worms with the purpose is to reuse the humus (produced from their digestive process) in the cultivation of their vegetable garden.

The 7th grade students were responsible for their maintenance and are very committed to the project, attentive and active in all agroforestry techniques.

Among the fed planted we have lettuce, cabbage, tomato, chives, spinach,, arugula, beldroegas etc.

This project is realized by CARPE Projetos Socioenvironmental group and with the sponsorship of the Fundação Banco do Brasil

For those who do not know, Agroforestry is a system that brings together crops of agronomic importance in consortium with the forest. An agroforestry is a system of planting food that is sustainable and still makes the recovery of a forest.

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