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Celebration of Tiça Magalhãesâ’s life


"I want to celebrate the life of Tiça Magalhães! There are people who are well known because of their profession, family, friends, words, travels, works, and knowledge.

And that was Tiça. She was a reference not only in gastronomy but also in everything she did.

There are people who use their lives to transform other people’s lives quietly, in silence, almost hidden from the crowd that worships them.

That was Tiça, with a cool kid name, a sweet colorful heart full of spice who dedicated herself so much to the children she loved.
Solar Meninos de Luz children will never lose Tiça. They will always remember her special food, full of colors and tenderness.

They wil remember all Monday mornings that she spent cooking in our simple stove, turning beans into a tasty vegetarian feijoada (a Brazilian dish)!

They will remember the loving hugs that she gave to simple and joyful children, who always exchanged eternal friendship vows with her.

I want to celebrate the life of Tiça talking about the hidden life that nobody knew.

We are eternally grateful! Solar Meninos de Luz owes you forever and we pray that you will be very happy in heaven! "

Yolanda Maltaroli

(The photo shows the moment when Solar students make a prayer to God for our dear Tiça).

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